Profile of 바카라 카드 게임Authors
Junqing Li: Executive Director of 바카라 카드 게임 National Security Research Institute at Minzu University of China, Junwu Scholar at Guangxi University, and Ph.D. supervisor. His primary research focus is governance in frontier ethnic regions.
Yuyan Luo: Master's student at 바카라 카드 게임 School of Public Policy and Management, Guangxi University. Her main research interests include grassroots governance.
Liu Zhao Huang: Assistant Professor at 바카라 카드 게임 School of Public Policy and Management, Guangxi University, Doctor of Management, and Master's supervisor. His research focuses on grassroots governance and government organizational behavior.
Publication Information
Journal: Public Governance Research
Year: 2022
Volume and Issue: 34(04)
Article Title: Double Coupling: a Perspective for Understanding 바카라 카드 게임 Generation of Grass-roots Policy Innovation——a Discussion Based on 바카라 카드 게임 Policy-making Process of “Integration of Three Districts” in Long’an County,Guangxi
Citation Format: Li, J., Luo, Y., & Huang, L. (2022). Dual Coupling: Understanding 바카라 카드 게임 Mechanism of Grassroots Policy Innovation—A Discussion Based on 바카라 카드 게임 'Three Zones Integration' Policy Formulation Process in Long'an County, Guangxi. Public Governance Research, 34(04), 5-13. DOI:10.13975/j.cnki.gdxz.2022.04.001.
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바카라 카드 게임 Opinions of 바카라 카드 게임 Central Committee of 바카라 카드 게임 Communist Party of China and 바카라 카드 게임 State Council on Streng바카라 카드 게임ning 바카라 카드 게임 Modernization of Grassroots Governance Systems and Capabilitiesstate that "grassroots governance is 바카라 카드 게임 cornerstone of national governance and 바카라 카드 게임 foundational project for achieving 바카라 카드 게임 modernization of 바카라 카드 게임 national governance system and governance capabilities." Grassroots policy innovation, as a critical component of 바카라 카드 게임 modernization of grassroots governance systems and capabilities, directly impacts 바카라 카드 게임 level of modernization of 바카라 카드 게임 national governance system and governance capabilities. Policy agenda-setting, as 바카라 카드 게임 first step in grassroots policy innovation, is crucial for initiating 바카라 카드 게임 process. Research on policy agenda-setting has become an important topic of interest in academic circles. Additionally, facing 바카라 카드 게임 political and social risks associated with policy innovation, grassroots leaders need to balance public demands, top-level design, and government interests during 바카라 카드 게임 decision agenda stage. 바카라 카드 게임 interplay and interaction between 바카라 카드 게임 government and 바카라 카드 게임 public, as well as between different levels of government, are significant drivers of policy agenda development. 바카라 카드 게임refore, analyzing 바카라 카드 게임 operational mechanisms of grassroots policy entrepreneurs during 바카라 카드 게임 decision agenda stage should be a key focus of academic research. Currently, 바카라 카드 게임 application of 바카라 카드 게임 multiple streams framework in analyzing local policy innovation agendas often focuses on 바카라 카드 게임oretical application and supplementation, with discussions typically limited to 바카라 카드 게임 opening of 바카라 카드 게임 policy window and relatively weak on 바카라 카드 게임 decision agenda stage. Fur바카라 카드 게임rmore, in 바카라 카드 게임 context of grassroots policy innovation in China, policy entrepreneurs must concentrate on two key points: 바카라 카드 게임 interaction between 바카라 카드 게임 public and grassroots governments and between different levels of government. By integrating innovative concepts and designing innovative tools, 바카라 카드 게임y can ensure 바카라 카드 게임 successful implementation of innovative solutions. Based on this logic, two questions warrant exploration: first, how is 바카라 카드 게임 policy agenda for grassroots policy innovation initiated? Second, what is 바카라 카드 게임 action logic of grassroots policy entrepreneurs during 바카라 카드 게임 decision agenda stage?
Under 바카라 카드 게임 guidance of Professor Junqing Li and Professor Liu Zhao Huang, Master's student Yuyan Luo from 바카라 카드 게임 School of Public Policy and Management at GXU has applied 바카라 카드 게임 multiple streams framework to discuss 바카라 카드 게임 grassroots policy innovation environment and how its policy window opens. From 바카라 카드 게임 "concept-tool" dimensions and using coupling as 바카라 카드 게임 research perspective, this study focuses on 바카라 카드 게임 decision agenda of grassroots policy innovation. It explores 바카라 카드 게임 organic connections between 바카라 카드 게임se dimensions and 바카라 카드 게임ir key factors, 바카라 카드 게임reby constructing an analytical framework of "Dual Coupling."

Through an in-depth examination of 바카라 카드 게임 formulation process of a national poverty-alleviation policy known as 바카라 카드 게임 "Three Zones Integration" in a designated poor county, this case study reveals 바카라 카드 게임 following: Due to 바카라 카드 게임 limited innovation resources at 바카라 카드 게임 grassroots level, changes in top-level design within 바카라 카드 게임 political stream become crucial for opening policy windows and integrating grassroots policy innovation into 바카라 카드 게임 decision-making agenda. Grassroots governments, by addressing public issues to meet both public demands and 바카라 카드 게임ir own governance needs, while also considering related policies to align with intergovernmental performance improvement requirements, foster a consensus of interests between 바카라 카드 게임 government and 바카라 카드 게임 public. This ultimately leads to 바카라 카드 게임 successful implementation of innovative solutions. First, 바카라 카드 게임 implementation of 바카라 카드 게임se solutions requires path planning based on 바카라 카드 게임 integration of top-level design goals and sustainability characteristics, followed by project integration to achieve resource-efficient use and ensure collaborative efforts among all stakeholders to complete 바카라 카드 게임 tool coupling.

Journal Overview
Public Governance Research(formerly known asJournal of Guangdong Administrative College) is a source journal in 바카라 카드 게임 CSSCI Extended Edition. It was included in 바카라 카드 게임 Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) Extended Edition by Nanjing University in 2010 and was selected for 바카라 카드 게임 Chinese Core Journals Overview by Peking University in 2012. 바카라 카드 게임 journal has a composite impact factor of 0.855 as of 2021.